Saturday, December 19, 2009

May God Touch Your Heart to Help

I can not find work here mainly because of persecution from the church. The same people who are responsible for my being out of work in the first place.This is a small place ,21 by 7 miles. I am infamous they have even dedicated a song to me - 'Stop Begging'. After making sure I got fired, friends of these church people followed me into town spreading the message that I have to look for work & forget about what problems I had in the past. After not being able to find employment for 2 years, the message is now, I do not want to work & I like to beg, successfully turning public perception against me. So now I am being turned away from places I used to go where I found help. like the mall. The police have told me that I would be booked if I was seen in town without having any business to do there. I was greeted by some of my former associates from church recently who triumphantly said calls would be made to all the food stores to cause me to be moved from those areas as well.

My name is Leona Obbrace. I really had to tap into the grace of God to take all of this on a daily basis without breaking down. The way people celebrate when I used to cry my heart out on the street helped me to be determined to have peace no matter what they do to me or what I hear on the radio. They are waiting for me to have a nervous breakdown. I am not going to. I stop on the street for an hour, if need be, with my eyes closed waiting on the Holy Spirit to restore my peace & joy & to hear His affirmation. I had to learn to hold onto the Presence of God, to know that I am not out there alone but He is with me.

I would really like people to commit to writing/emailing the lawyers association, tourism minister, church boards - especially ORU & INSP (where pastor Myles is popular), the US Justice Dpt, the American Embassy here & the office of the Prime Minister. Also amnesty international has an office here but refuses to get involved unless it is a big deal for them, one person is not enough. You see these people have manipulated the police force, social services, even the medical profession & the legal system. There has been a lot of injustice committed & unless outsiders get involved there will be no attempt to upset these influential leaders here. I am on a 40 day fast & maybe some from your church or other believers could take a day or hour to commit to praying with me concerning this situation. You could tell them to email me at . My fast started last Saturday. Helping others would greatly reduce your feeling of depression. I was almost out of my depression whiles I worked at this church Bahamas Faith Ministries. I felt I was really doing something I loved. I was responsible for the groceries & clothes that was stored for those in need but unfortunately not used in that way. I was able to help people out financially. I was very proud of the standard I held my self to on the job which made me become a shift supervisor, anyone who worked with me was my responsibility. Actually, the way I helped put together the schedule & found ways to do more caused more people to be brought on staff. I practically created my position. I was very broken up by the fact that I was losing all of that & I was confused as to why God did not intervene. I became more depressed than ever & started having panic attacks as the environment became very hostile on the job, in the streets, where I went to buy groceries, at the mall, even my family became very vicious towards me. I attempted suicide after I was slapped in the front of the church altar by one of our pastors whiles my eyes were closed & I was praying & waiting for her to pray for me. The church was filled with laughter & murmurs of approval for this action. There were men who worked in the security department that were on the floor laughing with tears running down their face, holding their sides. After that attempt at suicide , I was sent a letter from the church saying I would have to come in to explain myself or I would not be buried there as I would no longer be considered a member & I would not be able to get any character references from them. Seeing that many members are a part of the medical profession (later Myles was placed on the Hospital Authority Board which manages the public hospital & gives licenses to all who want to practice in this country) they were able to avert all blame for their actions & have me labeled as a violent schizophrenic. Apparently I am filled with such low self esteem that when others are laughing or talking I feel like they are talking about me & laughing at me. The effort to keep me unemployed is to help their story that I was failing at my job & could not take care of myself or handle responsibilities, which is the real reason I tried to commit suicide & they say I am a lesbian & was outed by the pastor & that is why my membership was taken away. So the effort continues to discredit me & they have all the organizations here on their side.

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