It is amazing how right the bible is. It proves that it is the very Word of God. No one could see
during the 60's the fallout from the rebellion against the authority of God. Many callled for free sex & drugs ,arguing the whole time that they were not hurting anyone. It has turned out to be a nightmare as far as the effects on society. All the argumemnts for murder throuogh abortion has been heard ad nauseam. Now the after affects are showing. Marriage is an unnecessary tradition but the benefits that are lost to us are invaluable.
Let me point out that God is sovereign here. He placed a sentence of death on sin. We are witnessing His judgment. Many christians today play to this new culture of tolerance & corectness instead of truth. As Paul wrote in the book of romans , Gods' wrath has already been unleashed on the world.
Now we have numerous veneral diseases & many are dying every minute. The population of the world is becomiing top heavy with seniors. It is the youth who work ,contribute & their money supports the elderly & disabled. Now the US is printing money ,devaluing the dollar as programmes like medicade are going under. Young people who do not have the luxury of a stable home enviorment are largely unprepared for marriage themselves. Deviant behavior by youngsters is rising. Drugs has unleashed uncontrollable gangs like the mexican mafia. The kiinship between drugs & viiolence is unquwstionable. Illelgal drugs , human trafficking , forced prostitution , conterfeit money etc.. aare all interconnected.
Photo by APF Fellow Joseph Rodriguez
Mark 8:38 (American Standard Version)
38 For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of man also shall be ashamed of him, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.
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